
Saturday, February 16, 2013

What I am Wearing Now

So, I'm about to embark on a 13-day work trip (with a weekend stopover to see friends in between) and I am having some anxiety over what to pack for a trip that includes meetings in New Orleans, Boston and Orlando.

As I was trying to write down my packing list the other day while sitting at Starbucks, I realized that I had on three of my favorite winter picks.

So to avoid packing for another 15 minutes or so, I thought "why not do a blog post?"

I'd like to confess that I was late to the party when it comes to skinny jeans but I have been converted!

I have two favorite pairs of skinny pants.

First are a pair of dark wash jeans from Gap that I ordered online a few months ago. I can't find them anywhere on their website (a pet peeve of mine, I find a style I like and they discontinue it). Oh well, trust me, they are awesome.

Second, are these Rockstar style stretchy skinny jeans from Old Navy.

I may have bought a half dozen (or more) pairs of the cords in this style when they were on sale for less than $10 for my sisters and me...I kept three of the cords for myself.

My only complaint are that they are super short so there is no way I can wear them without boots.

Speaking of boots...

I grabbed these at Kohl's the day after Thanksgiving for $20 and have kicked myself ever since that I didn't get them in black too. I wear them ALL THE TIME!!

I love winter time when I can wear boots not only with skinny pants but also with skirts. Nothing I like more than a skirt, a pair of patterned tights and boots!

The last item that I am in love with this year is my Ultra Light Down Jacket from Uniqlo. (Sorry for the blurry photo. It's an awesome jacket, I promise.)

My sisters and I found this store when we went to New York City a couple of years ago and we fell in love - especially with their Heatech line. My sisters each got one of these jackets when we were out there and I didn't.

I regretted it every time I saw them wearing theirs. But when my sister and I took my nephew to NYC last fall and visited the store TWICE, I still didn't buy one. WHY?!?

So, when my mom asked me what I wanted for Christmas I decided I was going to get one. And I love it now. It is super, super light but still quite warm.

The only thing that might make it better is a hood. Like this one...

It may be on my wish list for next Christmas!

What are some of your favorite pieces right now?

DISCLAIMER: All opinions in this blog post are my own. The only way Gap, Old Navy, Kohls and Uniqlo know me is as a customer and the links are NOT affiliates links. However if you choose to shop at any of these (except Uniqlo), consider signing up for Ebates to earn cash back (this is a referral link) when you make purchases.

1 comment:

  1. My new fav is a Tommy Bahama long-sleeved beach cover-up that I got at Atlantis last week. I left my tight blue jeans and boots at home for a winter in the islands. :)
