I think I'm losing my mind slowly.
Or, at least, I'm losing my stuff lately.
In less than a week, I have lost an iPad and an iPhone in plain sight.
If it weren't for this app, I may still be looking for them.

Do you have two "i" devices? If so, I highly recommend downloading the Find My iPhone app on them.
I don't care if they can use it to track my every move. It's not like I lead that exciting of a life.
"Look she went to Starbucks...where is she heading now? CVS. The grocery store. This chick is wild and crazy."
It has saved my sanity on more than one occasion, including a harrowing 6 hours in Charleston when my iPhone decided to tour the city in the back of a airport shuttle van.
Back to losing my stuff in plain sight. This morning I set my phone down and 2 minutes later I couldn't find it.
I searched upstairs. I searched downstairs. I searched the car.
I grabbed my iPad and sent an alert to my phone and waited.
Then my iPhone rang and lit up 5 inches from where my iPad was sitting. In my defense, it was partially hidden by a plastic bag.
Note: I received no compensation from the makers of this app. It's just saved my bacon a time or two.
I need a find my car keys app. Lol. Remember that most times we lose things in plain sight. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteYou can do it online from any computer @ icloud.com, too! I use it ALL the time - and I think ALL phones should have this feature. Since my phone is NOT an iphone and I don't have a house line anyymore, I usually message Craig's phone from my iPad to call my phone to help me find it as I head out the door. I think it makes him crazy - but that's my job, right?
ReplyDeleteI lost my iPhone last week and nearly had a nervous breakdown. Although I have Find My iPhone installed, I didn't realize (very important) that you've got to have location services turned on. I didn't, because my battery was so old that the charge didn't last all day, so I'd disabled location services to preserve battery life.
ReplyDeleteThat little move cost me $499 to replace my iPhone. First thing I did on the new one? Installed this app. Then I activated location services and will never, ever disable them again.