
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Are You Going to Watch

I have to admit that I am intrigued.

Kevin Costner vs. Bill Paxton

Dances with Wolves, Bull Durham and The Bodyguard vs. Twister, Apollo 13 and Big Love

Source: via Megan on Pinterest

The History Channel's new TV series, Hatfields and McCoys, has caught my attention. So much so that it's going to get some precious space on my DVR.

But my fascination with the show is not necessarily because of the actors or storyline, but mainly because of the song in the commercial.

Have you heard it?

It captures my attention every time it comes on. So much so that I looked it up and bought the album this week! The song is Bartholomew and it's by the Common Faults.

It's actually playing as I am writing this post.

A funny thing happened while I was searching for the song. I found another album that I fell in love with simply because the name of the songs were similar and the beginning of the songs are similar (probably not to real music fans) so I got a bit confused!

If you have not heard of The Civil Wars, I suggest you check out their album Barton Hollow. It's in my playlist rotation.

What's new on your playlist?

I'm about ready to hit "buy" on Jack White's new album, Blunderbuss, and I recently bought Jason Aldean's My Kinda Party because I am a sucker for songs that give shout outs to my state (Fly Over States).

If you tune into the History Channel tonight on Monday (thanks Rajean for pointing that out) for the Hatfields and McCoys, let me know if it's worth hitting play on my DVR this weekend. It's going to be 90 degrees outside so I may need some indoors entertainment options!

Note: The links in this post are affiliate links but the opinions are completely my own. The History Channel and the mentioned artists (including Kevin Costner) have absolutely no idea who I am or that I am writing this post.


  1. We are, definitely, looking forward to this mini-series. The actors are all amazing and, really... I don't know the "feud" story that well.

  2. I'm looking forward to the Hatfields & McCoys as well, but probably more for the historical significance.

  3. I caught Kevin Costner's interview this morning on Good Morning American, and then immediately set my DVR! I don't think it starts until Monday though...Enjoy!

  4. Uhm....What's a play list! I am SO FAR BEHIND on this new way to listen to music that I don't know what to buy or where to put it! HELP! You have piqued my curiosity on this new show and music. I will try to check them both out, but I still have no clue how to buy music these days....SERIOUSLY! ( and I want Lionel Ritchie's newest album/CD/MP3/thing-a-ma-bob/do-hickey/whatever-you-call-it!)

  5. Yes, I cannot wait for this to be on! And the song is so cool! I have heard the other guys you found, I think on cmt.

  6. katy mulcahy~lineMay 25, 2012 at 4:00 AM

    I have my dvr set!!
