
Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Confessions

Sitting here watching House Hunters International (love that by admitting that you have no idea if I'm writing this in the morning, afternoon or night since this show is ALWAYS on), I feel the need to get a few things out in the open...

1.  I may have freaked out just a bit (frantic phone call as soon as I saw the post) when I read that The Pioneer Woman is coming to Indianapolis in March. My friend Cris - over at Goodeness Gracious - checked it out and shared the Goode news with me. I am just glad that my bladder was empty, just sayin!

2.  I went to dinner with my oldest sister and all four of my nephews...dinner out with 4 boys ages 10 and under is the best birth control a girl can have...sorry sis.

3.  I bought these because I saw a girl carrying around a package while in Target earlier today...

Hot Chocolate mini cupcakes! I had to leave half the package with my sister so I wouldn't eat them all at once. They are soooo good.

4.  Yes, I still have my snowman decorations up. It's still winter and I like them. So there.

5.  I just bought the Someecards iPhone App even though I can probably see most of them on Pinterest, like this one...

6. I'm going to Blissdom next week and I am soooo nervous. What should I wear? Will anyone talk to me? It's like summer camp all over again!!!

I'm Going to Blissdom!

Linking up to Friday Confessional over at A Blonde Ambition.


  1. I was bummed to see that we would be on Spring Break that week and will miss her. Drat! My girls are telling me a terrible story that soon there not be any Twinkies or Ding Dongs on the shelves. Have you heard if this is truth or fiction? SCANDALOUS! Your cupcakes brought that to mind. You will be fine at Blissdom. #2 totally cracked me up. So remember thinking that a few times! Just to make you feel better, my small Christmas tree is still up and out in the sun room. Rumor has it, though, there is a conspiracy to make it disappear this weekend :-P

  2. you are too funny - best birth control ever? i would think so!!

  3. You're going to blissdom?!?! Awesome! I want to go to something next year! Charleston was so amazing I can't wait to do it again!

  4. I have said for years that when I have all 3 kids and Chris I feel like a walking birth control commercial!

    You are going to be awesome at Blissdom - just know that I think your totally cool and would be a blast at summer camp!!!!

  5. Oh my God, oh my God! P Dub is coming to Indy?!? I just screamed "She's coming to Indy!" out loud in a room by myself! It brought a few people running to see if I was okay! Road trip! Okay, road trip for me... head into town for you... But I'm totally coming!!

  6. Why why why can't PW come to Fargo or Bismarck? Indy is for the cool kids I guess. Have fun at Blissdom and can't wait to read all about it. It is like summer camp all over again!
