
Friday, December 2, 2011

Friday Confessional

It's Friday! 

Does anyone else think this week was 8 days long?

Whew...I'm ready for the weekend. 

I'm participating in the Friday Confessional over at A Blonde Ambition hosted by the lovely Leslie. I'm a big fan of random blog posts (been known to write a few myself) so I can't wait to see what others "confess" today!

Here we go...

1. I have been experiencing some serious road rage this week. Now, I haven't ACTED on my rage but I have given people dirty looks and yelled at them in my head. I swear that my car is invisible at times the way people cut in front of me and turn out in front of's crazy!

2.  While I unpacked my Christmas decorations last weekend and put up my tree, the boxes are still strewn about my living room floor and all my snowman are strewn randomly on top of my china cabinet. Maybe I'll finish decorating this weekend and throw put the boxes out in the garage.

3.  My name is Megan and I'm addicted to Pinterest. I's so cliche. Everyone is obsessed, but I can't help it. It's just too easy to sit on the couch and start scrolling! Right now I have a couple dozen recipes pinned and have only attempted one of them and it was simply to throw cinnamon rolls on the waffle iron! Don't even ask about the decorating and craft projects I've pinned!

4.  Speaking of Pinterest, I get kind of depressed when I click on some of the very cute outfits other pinners create via Polyvore only to find out the cute t-shirt is $100 and the scarf is affordable but from a store in the UK.

5.  Every night this past week I have fixed myself a cup of decaf coffee (yes, I'm getting too old for caffeine in the evening) with a splash of Bailey's with a Hint of Mint Chocolate and a dollop of Cool Whip. It's my new favorite.

I think that's it for my confessions! Be sure to pop over to A Blonde Ambition and check out her most excellent blog, as well as the Confessional link-up.

1 comment:

  1. hey, megan! i am stopping by from the confessional link up.

    i am TOTALLY addicted to pinterest... im actually about to go there to try and come up with dinner ideas for this week! and i have the same problem with the outfits- its such a bummer.
