
Friday, November 11, 2011

Say Thanks to Our Troops

On this Veteran's Day, I want to pay tribute to all of the veterans out there who have unselfishly served our country. 

Grandpa H

Thank you!

While so many of the veterans from the Greatest Generation have passed on, we need to remember that there is a whole new generation (really more than one) of veterans who deserve our respect, support and gratitude.

Also, thank you to the men and women (and their families) who are actively serving our country. Thank you for all that you sacrifice to keep us safe.

Every year I say I'm going to do something for the troops around the holidays but I admit, I have never done more than make a donation to the USO. This year I am committed to doing more and I think I have found a way to get it done.

Indiana has a great program supported by our Lt. Governor called Hoosier Cheer for Our Heroes. It's a card and letter campaign designed to provide support and words of encouragement to our U.S. troops.

I'm going to ask my nephews if they want to write a note or draw a picture to send to the troops. I think this would be a great opportunity to talk to them about giving back to others.

Are you a Hoosier?  If so, here's some more info...

To participate mail your card directly to the Lt. Governor’s office at:

Office of the Lt. Governor Becky Skillman
c/o Hoosier Cheer for Our Heroes 
200 West Washington Street, Suite 333
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Don't think you have the time to send a card? Don't worry...there's an even easier way to participate!

enGreet, an Indianapolis-based online greeting card company, is supporting the effort by allowing anyone to use their website to personalize and send a card. Visit The cards ordered through this website will be printed and mailed for FREE! How cool is that?

Here's the need to send your cards/notes or go online before Friday, November 18, to be sure your words of encouragement get to the troops in time for the holidays.

The Lt. Governor even offers these tips:
• Keep message light hearted and encouraging 
• Talk about your family, pets and hobbies, family traditions for the holidays and wishes for safety and success
• Be creative 

Things not to include: 
• Glitter, confetti or other messy art supplies on your card or letter 
• Candy, money or other items

Any other suggestions on how to thank our troops and their families this holiday season?