
Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Trip that Keeps on Giving

Remember my trip to Kelsay Farms a couple weekends ago?

The one when my nephews had a GREAT time in the giant corn box.

The one when my floor was covered in corn kernels once we returned home.

Here's an update on where I have found corn kernels in the two weeks AFTER our trip to the farm.

  1. The backseat of my car.
  2. The guest bathroom.
  3. The rocking chair in my living room.
  4. Underneath my kitchen table.
  5. In my couch cushions.
  6. And I'm guessing many more places in the days to come!
Oh well, the boys had a great time at the Kelsay Farms so it's worth the extra clean-up. There's still one weekend left to experience the farm. Visit Kelsay Farms website for hours and a list of activities.


  1. HA! We went there Sunday. The girls looked at the corn boxes, and then they decided they could play in that at home. Whew! Thought I would have to take the shop vac to the van! May still have to do it but won't have to worry about seedlings if I wait a while! Too much fun on the farm!

  2. I think this post haunted me as we stayed away from the corn crib yesterday on our visit.
