
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Cookies, Clematis and Combines

I was craving homemade cookies this weekend and I just watched the second episode of The Pioneer Woman's show on Food Network.

Because of the above, I made these...

I remembered reading about Monster Cookies on one of the blogs I frequent but it was before I started Pinning in and every recipe I may ever want to try. This meant I had to do some searching and I finally came upon PW's recipe on the Tasty Kitchen site.

If you have never used Tasty Kitchen to look up a recipe, I highly recommend it. Lots of great bloggers and others post their favorite recipes there.

My sweet autumn clematis has started to bloom!

Can't wait to see it in full bloom!

As I was driving by the farm (also known as Grandma's house...even though my baby sister and her family live there now) and noticed this...

as sure of a sign that harvest is right around the corner as the turning corn and soybeans in the field around us! We were thinking that harvest was going to be late this year because all the rain this spring caused Dad and other farmers in Indiana to plant late. However, we didn't get much any rain in July and August so the crops have already started to turn. 

Looks as if they either plan to start with soybeans (the bean head is on the combine...the corn head looks more like fingers) OR they are just cleaning it up while they have some time.

Harvest was early last year and it went VERY fast so I only got to ride with Dad once the whole harvest...I'm definitely going to be in the cab more often this year...if I can persuade my nephews to give me a turn in the jump seat!


  1. Oh, your cookies looks so good! I've been craving sweets today, but fighting the urge to bake eat an extra one for me!
    Your Clematis is going to be beautiful...look at all the new little buds on there!
    The combine...when we travel to visit my in laws in the Wabash/Marion area...the farms, crops (mostly corn) and country living is one major thing I look forward to seeing. The country up there is beautiful!

  2. Lucky, lucky you driving the tractor! I got on the riding mower at the cottage only once this summer and then I had to fight all the guys to get a turn!!!

  3. You sure get a good view from up there. I will ride once in a while.

  4. I sure hope we get some corn in before we start with the beans! And shoot i missed the second episode! Was it good??? i was making 500 (i know, a LOT) cupcakes! my friend had her wedding the next day!

    Hope to see you soon!

  5. Have you ever tried monster bars? I have the recipe in a church cookbook. They're just as delicious as the cookies only one step simpler--just pour in the pan and bake! Yum. Now I have a craving... :)
