
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Feeling a Bit Random

I'm feeling a bit random tonight. 

Hope you bear with we go!

Did you see the cool Google effect earlier this week? I called it the "Google guitar."
 When you ran the mouse over the strings, it played like a guitar. Very fun and cool.

Last week, I was able to hit Half-Price Happy Hour at Steak-n-Shake twice! Score.

After one long day at work, I might have even gotten a chocolate milkshake AND a Coke Zero...

In my defense, it was still cheaper than the milkshake would have been at full price!

Isn't this the most adorable dress ever? I couldn't resist it...even if it's a size 3 and my oldest niece is just 8 months old. It won't go out of style in 2 years, will it?

 Speaking of my eldest she is.

Can you see her hair? I was having a bit of fun while riding in the backseat with her!

It cooled off today after a week of very hot weather so I decided it was time to work in my "yard" and put out a few flowers. Here are a couple of flowerpots...

I also put out some mulch. My fingernails may never be the same...

One more thing...

Did you hear that we are giving away a SIGNED copy of The Pioneer Woman's book - Black Heels and Tractor Wheels - over on Real Farmwives (and Friends) of America? Check it out!

Well, that's about all I have. Check back tomorrow for my fourth recipe in my RFOA and Gooseberry Patch project!

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