
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Girls Weekend: Then and Now

During a much needed girls weekend (minus one of the girls), I was reminded how different our lives are today than they were in our 20s.

Now, the girls are the same (plus a few children), the laughter is the same (plus some very corny jokes from said children) and the result is the same - pure fun.

Here are a few of the differences...

In our 20s, girls weekend meant sneaking in a purse full of candy and catching the latest chick flick.

In our 30s, girls weekend means sneaking in a purse full of candy and catching the lastest children's movie.

In our 20s, girls weekend meant staying up until 3 a.m. and sleeping late.

In our 30s, girls weekend means going to bed by 11 p.m. so we can get up at 6 a.m. to go do this...

In our 20s, girls weekend was filled with lots of gossip, shopping, board games and alcohol.

In our 30s, girls weekend is filled with lots of gossip, shopping, board games and less alcohol. It also includes some of this...

I wouldn't change a thing about our girls weekends - then or now!

Well, I'd change one thing...they would be more often than once or twice a year!


  1. Sounds like it was a good weekend. I think we could all do with a little less alcohol;)

  2. Haha great post! Everything minus the kids i can relate too...


  3. Love it! We all need our girls!

  4. I'm SOOOOOOO glad you came over! Love it! :)

  5. A little bit of a good thing is better than none at all! At least with all this modern technology, it is easier to keep up with the ones we miss; it doesn't replace face to face, but it helps on those days when you need your friends! Glad you had such a great time!

  6. haha.. I love it!!!! it is nice to hear that you girls have so much fun.
    Have a great week
