
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday: Relax

I'm loving that I got my taxes done tonight (yeah!) and I got a refund even though I had to start paying back my first time home buyer's tax credit. Now I can...

I'm loving that European men wear such cool shoes. Not many white Reeboks in Vienna!

I'm loving all the cool tights and boots that European women were wearing just a couple of weeks ago. I fell in love with a pair of blue boots with a wide ribbon (sounds odd but they were GORGEOUS) that I saw a cool Swiss gal wearing...unfortunately my Internet searches are coming up empty. I may have to settle for a cool pair of patterned tights.

I'm loving all of the cow apparel I saw in Austria and Switzerland, especially this belt. Just Kidding! The belt stayed in the store I found it in.

I'm loving these squirrels I found in a street market in Munich...unfortunately I didn't buy one. I may have to go back.

Linking to What I'm Loving Wednesday over at this kind of love.


  1. Yay to being done with taxes!

  2. I finally finished mine, too!! We need to get together to celebrate!! :)

  3. Squirrel???? :-) Yep, you can always tell an American on a European street because we all wear tennies, and they do NOT. It's kind of amazing due to all the walking they do, especially in the big cities like London and Paris!

    Relax is a much needed word around here, but there is little time to do it as we gear up for planting. Hope Mother Nature gets the memo that our farmers need to get in the ground. This two days dry and two days wet pattern is making for some grumpy faces around here.
