
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Then and Now...Five Years Ago

Have you seen the commercial for the Canon camera with the couple looking to re-create a photo of her parents?

I think it had something to do with a project called "Your Second Shot." Here's a link to the commercial.

I saw it again today while I was hanging out at home because of the great Ice Storm 2011.

I did something similar when I visited Venice, Italy about five years ago.

I had been to Venice with my mom and a group of her Latin students when I was in fifth grade and had a picture of me in my gondolier's hat in front of St. Mark's.

When I went back 17 years later, I took that photo with me and tried to re-create it. While it isn't quite the right perspective, it's close.

I love the comparison!

Before I head to Vienna later this spring, I plan to dig up my photos from my trip there in college and see if there's a photo/pose I can re-create. It won't have quite the same effect as the one above, but it's still be 12-plus years since I've been there so I know I've changed - at least a little bit!

I know it was cloudy and snowing while we were in Vienna last time - not the best for photos - so maybe I should contact Canon and let them know what I'm planning!

Have you ever done the "then and now" photo?


  1. In 2006, I recreated my 1998 photo by the Haidensäg sign. The funny/pathetic thing is that I was wearing the same jacket 8 years later. I'll have to take that jacket back to Germany this summer! =)

  2. What a fun idea. Hope you have a great time in Vienna.

  3. LOVE this idea. Super cool pics by the way :)
