
Wednesday, December 29, 2010


It's been one of those weeks. I'm on vacation and had grand plans of everything I was going to do with my time off...clean my house, catch up on my blogging, do some shopping. Well, it's Wednesday night and I just haven't been as productive as I dreamt I would be. Oh well, I am enjoying the days off and plan to make the most of the next four days of freedom.
Since I am not as on top of my blog posts as I planned to be, I decided to do some RANDOM POSTING!!!

1.  Anyone get the iCarly reference above? I know I probably shouldn't admit this but even as I type iCarly is on my television. I just enjoy the witty dialogue and physical humor of the pre-teen sitcom. I've actually had in-depth conversations with a co-worker who is also a closet iCarly fan (she has 3 boys so you know she shouldn't be exposed). We are seriously contemplating tickets to see Miranda Cosgrove (i.e. Carly) when she comes to Indy soon. Maybe I should have asked for this for Christmas...

ICarly Chat N Change 10 Talking Doll"

2.  Speaking of coworkers, I just LOVE my coworkers, especially those who share my love of pre-teen sitcoms, the Sound of Music and cheesy reality shows. Though I can't convince them that Storage Wars is the NEW Parking Wars!

3.  Have I ever told you my middle name? It is NOT Grace...though my dad claims that it should be. I am definitely NOT graceful. I'm always running into doorways, tripping over my own feet and hitting my head (especially on the STUPID old-fashioned phone my parents hung by the back door). On Christmas Eve, I proved just how graceful I am and had no one to witness. I fell down my stairs in a blaze of glory...think windmilling arms and a scream worthy of a little girl. Luckily, I wasn't hurt (a bag of Gap returns broke my fall) except for my pride!

4.  I bought my first little black dress in almost 10 years earlier this week! Actually I bought two...couldn't decide and they were both very reasonable in price. Then I bought a gray one, just in case I'm not really in love with the other two. I'm very excited to wear one of them to a dear friend's wedding on 1-1-11...isn't that a cool wedding date?

5.  Are you one of those people who don't like getting practical gifts for Christmas or your birthday? I'm NOT. If I need a vacuum, then get me one if my birthday is soon. This year I got two very practical gifts...

Ace Trading - Yu Shan Tw Hd2001"living Accents" "5-piece" Card Table Set     Suncast SC3250 18-Inch Snow Shovel/Pusher Combo with Ergonomic Shaped Handle And Wear Strip, Green

I was totally excited about both. I also got another wonderful gift from my dad that I'll be blogging about soon.

6.  My life has turned into "is this something I can blog about." Has yours? I can't believe how many times I do something silly or stupid or funny or cute and think to myself "I should blog about it." But, it's really bad when I'm sitting on the examination table with a cup to my ear and the nurse flushing warm water in my ears and I'm thinking "I wish I had my camera!"

That's what happened today. I went to the doctor because I have a cold that isn't getting better and I don't want to start traveling next week with it. Instead of telling me I have sinus congestion, the nurse practitioner told me that my ears are full of wax (duh...I haven't been able to hear out of my left ear for like a year) and tells me she's going to flush them. I won't go into details, but WOW let's just say there could have been a comparison to what was in my ears and a head of a Lego man...I said too much, huh?

7.  Did you hear that? I know, I did too! I can't believe how much better I can hear with two good ears! My Corolla is way louder than I remembered. The keys on my laptop are way loud...or I just type too hard. And I can now have a conversation with someone standing on my left side without constantly, saying "Excuse me" or just nodding and having NO idea what they are saying!

8.  I made THE BREAD tonight...have you heard about THE BREAD? I read about it on The Pioneer Woman (of course) and just had to try it. Since it only uses two ingredients - butter and bread - I figured I could handle it, unlike the cinnamon rolls that I'm still too intimidated to try.

I thought about photos when I started prepping the bread and got one of the Italian Bread loaf I cut in half...

But then forgot to take anymore until after's what was left after my parents, sister, brother-in-law, nephew and I ate my mom's famous cheesy ham and potato casserole (yeah for Christmas ham leftovers) and THE BREAD.

I was supposed to use a stick of butter on EACH side of the bread but I chickened out and only used one and three-fourths sticks of butter. I can't imagine how much better it would have been with that extra butter! It was some serious goodness. Though my dad claims that I am trying to push him into a second heart attack...I swear I'm not.

Well, that's it for RANDOM POSTING...wait a minute I just saw the blonde guy from Glee (you know the new guy) on iCarly! See I told you it's a cool show!


  1. We all need that little black dress.

  2. Sooooooooo........What IS your middle name?

    Love your quirky sense of humor!

    Glad you didn't hurt yourself in the fall. For single girls (of which I was one for MANY years), it's kind of like "if a sparrow falls...does anyone know?" I hated that little worry when I was single. One of my former students cracked me up the other days with an FB post. She was "trapped" in her bedroom after trying to install a door. She was SOS-ing all over FB for someone to come let her out!

    Happy New Year and have fun at the wedding! Can't wait to see all the pictures!

    OH! You gals need to post how you all connected. Did you all meet at Purdue or through work? I've been curious about that!

  3. Ohhhh mmyyyyy gooosssshhhh! I LOVE storage wars! I got hooked watching a marathon deep into the night one day last week and now I can't stop thinking about it!

    and, at the risk of sharing TMI, I too am having ear problems! I think mine are all sinuses and they are making me snore and my jaw hurt. Hubs can't even share a bed with me when he's home because I'm so loud! (I swear he's making it up!) Maybe I should blog about that? ;)

    Happy New Year!

  4. If you come over, we'll make cin rolls...I need a cohort. When I told Craig abt your dr experience the other day, he must not have had his hearing aids turned up...he thought there was a REAL Lego head inside your ear and covered with wax. rotfl

  5. Love the randomness and my middle name should have been Grace as well. In the week leading up to Christmas, I feel down 3 stairs after tripping on my shoe that was sitting on the stairs and dropped my laptop which resulted in it being cracked, but still working. Unfortunately, my air card did not fare too well and I need to order a new one. Then a few days later, I was trying to multi-task and as I was giving my son a bath while on a conference call for work my cell phone landed in the bathtub. Not a good week for me.
