
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fan of Frito-Lay...Chips Made in Indiana

I love salty snacks. I love them so much that I don't normally keep them in the house because I've been known to eat a bag in one sitting.

Recently, I joined the Frito-Lay Fan Program and as luck would have it, I was enjoying a bag of Lay's Cheddar Sour Cream potato chips when my Frito-Lay Fan Pack came in the mail! Unfortunately the photo I took of the very cool reusable shopping bag, chip clip, water bottle, coupon for a free bag of chips (yeah) and, of course, chips is lost somewhere (maybe on my laptop but probably on my camera) so just close your eyes and imagine a great looking presentation.

I would normally just re-take the photo but I've since eaten the chips! Because...
Now I heart Frito-Lay for more reasons than just their yummy potato and corn chips...

I appreciate the fact that one of their largest production facilities (where they make the chips!) is just up the road in Frankfort, Ind. I know that they make a lot of their "specialty" chips up there so it's cool to grab a bag of Sun Chips and think that my neighbors played a part in making them.

I recognize that they are a major employer of Hoosiers and a wonderful part of their community in Frankfort.

I love that they feature actual farmers in their new TV ads that show us that Frito-Lay gets its potatoes from farms across the US.

I feel better eating their chips because the ingredient list on many of their bags is short. Some chips just have three ingredients: potatoes or corn, all-natural oils and salt.

I love that they offer a Lightly Salted line of chips. I know they still not a health food, but they contain 50 percent less sodium (salt) than their regular counterparts.

That's a lot of reasons to love Frito-Lay, huh?

Now, I didn't just devour all of the yummy chips myself. I took the bag of Tostitos Scoops, along with a purchasued by of Frito's Corn Chips, with me to my folks' house this weekend where I prepared supper (dinner to some of you) for my whole family...all nine adults and five children (well, really four kids because my niece is just a couple of months old)!

I made a version of walking tacos that was yummy! Stay tuned for the recipe tomorrow when I hook up with Leah over at Beyer Beware for her "Hunk of Meat Monday" blog hop.

I received a fan pack from Frito-Lay. No other compensation has been received. This post is based on my own honest and uninfluenced opinions and experiences.


  1. YUM! LOVE walking tacos! I think I have toured the Frito plant! There used to be a Mars/Almond Joy etc. plant right next to it I think! Rah Hoosier food industry!

  2. Can't wait for the walking taco recipe!!!!

  3. My friend's family raises potatoes across the US for Frito Lay. They source locally grown potatoes and I am a fan of Frito Lay myself Megan! I also LOVE walking tacos!

  4. Yummy! I love me some salt every now and then, too, but I'll take chocolate over salt any day. Maybe they should make a chocolate chip? lol
