
Monday, December 20, 2010

Dear Winter...

Dear Winter,

You do not officially until tomorrow, yet there is snow on the ground and we've already seen (and felt) below freezing temperatures on multiple occasions.

Now I'm not an unreasonable person. I like experiencing four seasons...if I didn't I would NOT live in the Midwest. However, I fully believe in experiencing winter weather in winter...not fall.

A light dusting of snow around Christmas is welcome, though I'm not a fan of snow. It's pretty for the first five minutes but the newness wears off quickly. I fully expect to have to deal with snow in January and February but lots of it the first week in December, that's just not nice!

So, Winter, since you came so early this year I hope you are planning to exit early as well. I'm writing to Spring next to let her know that she needs to pack her bags early because I expect to see her around March 1st!

Tired of Winter Already and It Hasn't Even Begun Yet


  1. Our weather guy is predicting a milder winter for January. Not sure what milder is, but at least he didn't mention the words "frigid" or "below normal." Warmer temps, however, may mean more snow, the snowman type that my girls are longing for! Only time will tell! Hang in there. This week might be a crazy one in the weather department!

  2. We've had lots of snow already. I don't mind it, but what I do mind is having to leave the house to go out in it. Oh how I miss those SAHM days.

  3. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!! I am praying for a Christmas day blizzard. I'll let you guess why! :)
