
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Going Off-Site for Some Freezer Cookin'

Just a heads up...

I did some cookin' this weekend with some Goode friends over the weekend and a linky party is in the works! Head over to Goodeness Gracious on Tuesday and share your favorite freezer meal recipe.

I joined 11 of my blogging buddies for a marathon session in the kitchen on Saturday. There was a lot of activity, a few bloopers, and a mountain of yummy food at the end. I was pinch-cooking (kind of like pinch-hitting) for my gal pal Leah over at Beyer Beware because she was out of town and couldn't participate.

As a single lady (now put your hands up...sorry Beyonce took control of my fingers for a moment) with limited freezer space I don't have room for 12 meals in my freezer, but as a working mother of two, Leah does! So I gladly stepped in so that she could come home from her trip with a few meals ready to go in her freezer.

Baby Sister (aka Frugalista Farm Life) was also there, so we helped each other complete our pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for Frugalista and a cool soup in a jar mix for me.

The cooking was done at a church about 20 minutes from my house, so I had to load up all of my supplies.

The scary part...this didn't include 12 pounds of hamburger supplied by Leah to go with the soup mixes and my computer and printer so we could print off recipes if needed throughout the day.

In addition to the cooking, we also had a Pampered Chef demo, cookbook swap & share, cake decorating demonstration and lots of great conversation!

We even had some little helpers, including this sweet thing...

You might remember her from this post. My precious niece is now 5 weeks old. She was quite content admist the hustle and bustle of the kitchen. Doesn't she look cute in her tights?

Stay tuned for more about our 6-plus hours of cooking.

I actually came home with a few meals because Baby Sister split her spoils with me...and because I took Leah's quiche (made by Liz over at Two Maids a Milking) as payment for delivering her meals...I also took a brownie from the pan on her stove and am now craving brownies with chocolate and peanut butter chips.  

Can't wait for the cookie swap Baby Sister is planning for December! Maybe I'll have to make brownies...

By the way...the quiche didn't make it to the freezer. Lil' Sister and I ate some as soon as I got home. I've had it for breakfast and supper today! It has bacon in it, need I say more?


  1. I am so bummed I missed it. The brownies are still here! They are almost gone, but still here. I have another payment that will be arriving in 7-10 business days;)

  2. So sad that I missed the day with you guys!! Hope you were warm and cozy in the kitchen while I was cold and wet at the rainy football game!

  3. My quiche and my muffins didn't have a prayer... Both were gobbled up. And the Manicotti didn't make it either... it went straight to a dinner party that night!
