
Monday, September 13, 2010

Party Planning, Part II: Action Figures, Cookies & Pink

Hello visitors from Follow Me Back Tuesday!

My hostess pack from House Party came last week for my Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 3 premiere party. The season opener for SWCW is Friday night (September 17) on the Cartoon Network at 9 p.m. EDT.

My oldest nephew saw the action figures and went wild!

He honed in quickly on this one..
Captain Rex is his favorite character. He's already laid claim to this one but has to wait until Friday to get it!

I have talked on here already about this party and my baby sister's, aka Brat, baby shower and how I've been planning them. I have had some great suggestions from both old and new friends for both parties.

My college roommate told me that her son's birthday party later this fall is Star Wars-themed and she passed along these games: Pass the Death Star, Feed Jabba the Hut, Jedi vs Sith, Use the Force, Jedi Obstacle Course, and Meteor Shower.

I still need to finalize the menu and the games and the other entertainment for my SWCW stay tuned!

As for the baby shower, it went off without a hitch this weekend. For the food, we decided to forego the cake and concentrate on cookies instead! We had quite the spread and they seemed to be enjoyed by all. Though we realized how easy it is to just pick up a cake from the bakery while we were each making several kinds of cookies!

I even tried to add some flair and used two of these 3-tiered cake stands and put a flower in the base of the middle and top tier.

Add a tablecloth, balloons, wildflowers and you have our decorations!

No shower is complete without some games. You can see the mommy-to-be judging the "babies" the guests drew on paper plates while their eyes were closed! In the background, you can see our Aunt Peggy passing the toilet paper.

No, we didn't use the toilet paper as hillbilly napkins. It was the second many toilet paper panels around is the mommy-to-be's belly! Most people thought she was a bit bigger than she really is. Just in case you are curious, her belly measures 10 panels of Angel Soft toilet paper!

Then it was onto the gifts.

Now, I want to point out that I was sitting to the side the entire time so I couldn't see her face OR I would have told her that she had a piece of hair across her forehead! Oops...sorry Brat, but aren't the boots adorable!

See, there I am off to the side.

Isn't the quote behind her appropriate at a baby shower for a girl? I just know this baby will be smart, strong and bold! She has some great role models to help her down that path.

Of course, she got lots and lots of pink outfits. I think she said she got 25 outfits in total - not all pink, but the majority were!

Brat got 2 beautiful quilts made specifically for her baby girl. The one below was done by a friend of mine's mom after she saw my sis's blog post about putting together her nursery. She matched the colors of the room perfectly, according to my sister after she took it home and put it in the nursery.

So, one party down, one more to go...can't believe I chose to host two parties in one week!



  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday! I'm a new follower (sorry I'm late getting back to you!) Love the baby shower pictures! Such fun!!


  2. Just stopping by from Follow Me Back Tuesday! Please follow me back @

    Thanks, Nicole Mariana
