
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Notes to Self in the Car...


  1. sounds like you're having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day already!! sending positive thoughts your way!!

  2. Been there! Can't tell you how many times.

  3. My window was broken for years. I just drove through and opened the door, which was hard with my 2-door because the doors are so big. I Felt the need to explain myself to everyone.

    Then, I gave the car back to my parents, and my mom drove it for several months, to help her cut down on her smoking while driving. lol. It worked!

  4. Well DANG! I think you should go in to Startbuck's, sit down, drink your coffee, and work the crossword puzzle before you go to work. Tell the boss you were being a safe driver! ;-) Hope tomorrow is a better morning!

  5. These crack me up! Not to laugh at your misfortunes - but they make me laugh out loud!

  6. There are so many little things going up on my car.. The horn stopped working, the clicker, the brake lights come on for no reason, and now just today the passeger side door will not unlock. lol. Come on!!!
    It is time for some new wheels. : )
    Happy Friday

  7. Hello I am a new follower from BMBF. I would love a follow back at

  8. Been there, done that with both the broken window and the foam cup... Not fun at all, but I did do the door trick like Katie. It drove my husband nuts and finally he fixed my window.

  9. These totally crack me no matter how many times I read them! I see a little Megan movie running in my head....
