
Monday, August 30, 2010

What is a Pirate's Favorite...

While in Chicago last week for work, my coworkers and I were walking down Navy Pier and passed a group of pirates. What do you call a group of pirates? A booty...a trove (treasure trove, get it)?

I digress...

This encounter led one of my coworkers to share a joke that she and her brother enjoy. It's really the first part of a joke that you can insert your favorite line into.

"What is a pirate's favorite...?" You fill in the blank.

Trying to be the funny aunt, I shared this joke with my two eldest nephews over the weekend. I started off with this one..."What is a pirate's favorite fast food restaurant?"

Now you have to wait for the's a photo of the red-headed nephew after a dip in the Ohio River over the weekend.

The answer: ARRRRRRRRRby's!

I ran through a few more, such as:

What is a pirate's favorite place to visit in St. Louis?
What is a pirate's favorite kind of socks?
What is a pirate's favorite state?
What is a pirate's favorite lettuce?

Aren't those fun?

Now, the red-head above giggled, but I don't think he really grasped the concept. He kept asking me what a pirate's favorite tree is and the expecting me to come up with the answer. I just couldn't do it. He thought and thought and finally came up with "a beARRRRRy tree." Not quite right, but a valiant effort.

Here's my final pirate joke..."What is a pirate's favorite Bible story?"

If you can't figure out the answers, let me know and I'll share!


  1. Hi! I am a new follower from Monday's blog hops. I am also a fellow Hoosier. Glad I came across your blog. I will be back. Blessings...

    Saved By Love Creations

  2. The ARRRch! ARRRgyle! ARRRkansas! ARRRugula!
    ... ARRRmageddon?

  3. found you on meet and greet and although this post is funny, I was scrolling your previous post and found, "remembering my grandma", it brought tears to my eyes, because I lost my grandma in March this year and it is hard every day. I miss her so much. I grew up close to her too and did not usually go more than a week without seeing her. Your grandmother was a beautiful woman that post :)

  4. Funny!!
    I'm not ever gonna try
    since I suck at pirate talk.

    happy monday

  5. This post reminds me of my post on making rum cake! I did a lot of "AARRGGGing," especially when I found out 1.)I didn't have any rum, and then 2.) when I was outside the liquor store and realized I had no money or ID AAARRGG!!!! ;-) Very fun reading!

  6. Hiya! I'm a new follower from Making Friends Monday!!

    Visit me at Southern Expressions

  7. You are SOOOO AAARRRR-igonal!!! lol
