
Thursday, August 26, 2010

Remembering My Grandma

I pulled a memory stick out of my purse yesterday (yes, I have at least 3 of them in my purse at all times) to transfer a file for a coworker. I came across a folder named "Kathryn" and it made me pause.

This is the folder I created the day after my grandma passed away on May 14, just 13 days before her 95th birthday. While she'd been in the nursing home for several months and in declining health for a few years, it was still a surprise and a great loss in my life.

I was lucky enough to grow up within 5 minutes of BOTH sets of my grandparents. My sisters and I spent many days on my grandparents' farm while my dad was working. If we weren't outside playing in their yard, we were in the house putting on shows for my grandparents or playing cards (mostly UNO, Old Maid or Skip Bo).

I was also very fortunate to have all four of my grandparents in my life until my late 20s when I lost both my grandpas in a year. And I'm still lucky to have my maternal grandma to stop by and chat with - though I don't do it often enough.

Here are just a few snapshots of my Grandma Kathryn's life.

On her wedding day...

The happy couple...

On the farm with her family...doesn't my grandpa look jaunty?

With a couple of her 17 great-grandchildren...

This final photo is from the last family gathering where my grandma was there with us. She's holding the youngest of her great-grandchildren at the time.

I miss her unconditional love. I miss her cookie jar filled with gum. I miss her.

Smart and Trendy Moms


  1. I'm sorry for your loss :(

    Now following from Social Parade.. looking forward to getting to know you!

  2. I'm sorry for your loss - but what great memories.. I also was lucky enough to grow up within 'spittin' distance of both of my grandmothers, although I lost one a few months before my wedding, the other is now in declining health and I know just how precious the photos and stories are! I'm glad you were able to put such a great remembrance together for the great grands and future generations!

  3. Right there with you missing my grandma! Thanks goodness we both have such great memories. A big hug to you!

  4. Hugs, hugs, hugs! It's never easy is it? You're making me cry now, so I'm going before I flood my keyboard. <3 ya!

  5. Awesome pictures - I love old pictures and the story's they tell!
    Very nice post - Grandma's are great!

  6. what a beautiful tribute, it brings tears to my eyes. thank you for posting, and for reminding all of us to cherish those we love.

  7. What a sweet post! Your grandma looks like an amazing woman!

    My late grandma had a cookie jar filled with random candies. She lived with us and as a kid, I would sneak into her room when I had a sweet tooth :)

  8. Love this post- and love the pictures! I have lots of old pictures like this of both of my grandmothers and I cherish them immensely.

    Happy Social Parading! I'm your newest hanger on :)


  9. They are some great photos. Grandma's are such special people. I still think about mine every day ~
    Hope your weekend is great.

  10. I love looking at old pictures like that! I love how getting a picture taken was usually a reason to dress up.
    I know just how you feel: Visits back home don't seem the same with out the grandparents there.

  11. Grandmas are the best. Love seeing the old pics.
