
Monday, July 19, 2010


There are several jobs involved in freezing corn. The first is the picker who gathers the corn from the field. Is there a better name for that job? Picker sounds funny.

The second job is the shucker.

He was new to the job and figured it out eventually...

His mom and dad were a bit faster, but that's only because they've had years of practice!

When shucking, it's important to remove as many of the silks (those silky strands clinging to the ear) as possible. That's a beautiful ear of corn!

So you may be asking, "What happens to all of the shucks?"

This year we used the standard "little red wagon" that every farm family has to collect all of the shucks and move them to the field. This is much easier than cramming the shucks back into those hand 5-gallon buckets and carrying them away!

The nephews (with adult supervision) pulled the wagon full of shucks back to the cornfield for emptying(recycling/composting at the most basic level).

At first, they grabbed handfuls and threw them out...

Then after a helpful hint...

...the process went faster.

After all of the hard work, a well-deserved ride home!

Heading into the kitchen next...stay tuned.


  1. Aw, shucks!! That looks like fun!! So are you feeding me some of your sweet corn next month? lol! :)

  2. Looking forward to reading the rest of this! I am curious how to freeze corn properly!

  3. The use of the wagon is adorable! :)

  4. I love sweet corn! Yummy! Put it on the grill and add some butter and mmmmmmm! Have a great Monday!

    Mama Hen

  5. We use a cloth or paper towel to rub on the ears to get the silks off. Either one picks up a bit of the milk from the corn, gets sticky, and then the silks start sticking to the cloth/towel. Great pictures!

  6. Can't say that y'all dont Give a shuck! cause you are some shucking fools. I bet it was a great time!!!!
    Have a great Tuesday

  7. I think those are pretty cute little corn shuckers you have there. Anxious for the next posts with the next steps of the process.

  8. Looks like a lot of hard but good work! I like your wagon too. :)
