
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Honestly...These are Some Good Blogs

Cris over at GOODEness Gracious bestowed upon me the Honest Scrap award earlier today.

Thanks Cris! I "heart" you and your've inspired me time and again.

So the rules are I have to HONESTLY tell you 10 things about me and then pass the award along to other great bloggers.

10 things about me...HONESTLY

1.  Just this week I cried while watching the season finale of Glee (for the second time) during the season where the students sang to their teacher...OMG.

2.  I also cried watching Deadliest Catch and seeing Captain Phil's sons struggle with their father's illness.

3.  Brings me to my utter fascination with reality TV - not like the Bachelor or Dancing with the Stars, but like Run's House, Jersey Couture and Hoarders.

4.  Housekeeping is NOT my forte and sometimes (OK, most of the time) my house looks like a Hoarders house in training.

5.  If there's a styrofoam cup from McDonald's in my house, there's probably a little bit of Malibu in it along with my Coke Zero.

6.  If I could live on chocolate, bacon and Coke Zero (with a little bit of Malibu), I'd be a happy, happy woman. Throw in some cheese and it's utopia.

7.  I love to travel and am itching to go somewhere fun SOON.

8.  I've been to 33 states (including Hawaii and Alaska and a couple of others that I don't count because it was just in their airports) and a baker's dozen different countries.

9.  I've visited the 3rd largest sugarcane farm in the world (in Guatemala) and I can HONESTLY say that I'll take corn production over sugarcane production any day...we don't burn our crop to get it out of the field!

10.  Just watched a Lays commercial showing the farmers that grow their potatoes and think it's cool that I know so many farmers that grow the food I eat.

Here are some blogs that I'm bestowing the Honest Scrap award to:
Beth at In Good Cents
Summer at Sumo’s Sweet Stuff (try her Grasshopper Cupcakes – yummy)
Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong at how I met your father (just found this one, but I’m already hooked)
The Bathtub Mama over at The Bathtub
Farmgirl at Farmgirl Follies
Leslie at A Spoonful of...

Also, check out these other blogs that I gave a shout out to earlier this week.


  1. gotta have my Zero also! I love me some reality tv too.
    Thanks for the award.. let me go prepare my truths. : )
    Happy Sunday.

  2. HA HA! So glad I don't have to share any truths!! You are definitely honest!! BTW...are you home this week?? lol!

  3. big congrats on your award. And I usually add a little bourbon in my coke zero, but I'd be willing to try Malibu. :)
