
Friday, June 18, 2010

Sprucing up My Little Outdoor Oasis: Day 1

One of the reasons I bought my condo almost two years ago was that I wanted some outdoor space again. I spent the previous 6-plus years in a second-floor apartment with no balcony.

After growing up on a farm in the country with multiple yards (our side yard was the perfect shape for a ball diamond - though the long ball got lost in the corn more than once), I missed being able to sit outside and read.

BUT I don't have the time (or really the desire) to keep up a big yard - or even a small one. So a condo with a small patio area is perfect for me. I have my outdoor space but not a lot of upkeep!

Still, there is some yardwork that is necessary and since last year I didn't get around to planting anything until late July, I'm determined to spruce it up before my gal pals come over for a well-deserved girls weekend later this month.

Before getting started, I went to my parents for inspiration. My folks have put a lot of time and effort into landscaping the homestead - especially the last few years since my mom retired from a 30-plus teaching career. You know teachers...they need to nurture. My mom has switched from surly teenagers to plants!

Here are some of my favorite features:

This was where our above ground pool once was!

My dad built my mom these window boxes and I love, love, love them!

The chicken house once stood here. When I was growing up only the foundation was left, We spent many a summer day playing house, school, store there.
This rock is now a part of the chicken house landscape feature. It broke my heart when my parents moved it from its spot under the tree in the side yard. It's a perfect standing rock - flat on the top, not too tall. Again it was a favorite childhood play spot.

So, I now had my inspiration...and thanks to my dad I had my tools.

I was tackling a rosebush so the leather gloves and long-handled clippers were a necessity. My first order of business was cutting back a rosebush that got out of control over the last two years because I don't know when or how to probably prune!



Next up, planting some pretty flowers and spreading mulch. Stay tuned...


  1. Love those window boxes! Container gardening so so much easier, too bad my one window box is the only one left! Can't wait to see what you plant!

    I'm here from DillyDally and Flitter btw, come visit me if you get a sec :)

    Have a good weekend!

  2. Lovely pictures, I cant seem to grow anything.

    Following you back!

  3. It looks like you have some wonderful inspiration. You parents flowers are gorgeous! I'm visiting from New Friend Friday. Have a great weekend!

  4. I love planning and looking at gardens. I'm not very good at the upkeep, though!

  5. I love planting flowers, it's one of the only things that I actually like to do as far as yard work. I am a new follower from Friday Follow, look forward to reading more of your blog. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  6. Megan - Your little patio area would be perfect for one of those "tipsy pot planters" along with all the changes you're making. Keep us posted on your progress! And yes, I love the flowers and landscaping at your folks' home; it's beautiful! Following you back now on this wonderful Friday. Have a safe and fun weekend! Pam @ Sallygoodin

  7. Can't wait to see what you do with it... Your mama's plants are gorgeous. I am having a lot of plant envy this!

  8. You crack me up. I'm sure whatever you come up with will be fab. If only those gal pals weren't so whiny, complain-y and just plain NEEDY!! lol! BTW - Little A & I will head out bright & early Fri morning. Less than a week to go!! And yes, I love Mama Jane's flowers, too!!

  9. I've got some great gardening linky parties you could join. :) Looks like your off to a great start!!!!

  10. Wow! I didn't think you should prune roses so drastically in the summer. I usually get at then in the fall and amazingly, they live to see the light of day come spring. :) Rosemary
    ps. I'm new from Friday Follow. I'll be back.

  11. I love your flower pictures!
    I'm recently into gardening and landscaping my yard and love your pictures!!! Really looks like you know what you are doing!

  12. I love window boxes! I have to get outside and do some sprucing myself! I am here from Friday Follow! You have a new follower! Come and visit Mama's Little Chick.

    Mama Hen

  13. I am a new follower from Friday Blog Hop. Thanks for the outdoor motivation. You have some good ideas. Stop by and say Hi!

  14. Love the window box too...but purple is my favorite color :)

    I'm a new follower from Friendly Friday. I've joined on Google Friends, and tried to join you on Networked blogs....but it said Error, blog doesn't exist. May be something wrong with your widget.

    If you get a chance, please stop by and follow my blog (on both widgets).

    Thanks & Have a Great Weekend!

  15. Thanks for all of the encouraging words. Looking forward to enjoying the outdoor oasis soon! Rosemary (Steadfast Ahoy) - I took a risk with the roses. We'll see what happens!

  16. A little late on the Friday Follow due to Google being a PIA but I'm here and am your newest follower:)
