
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 3 of the Summer Slim Down

As I started my journey to fit back into my super cute black swim shorts by July 4th, I decided to start with a vigorous walk after work on Tuesday. Unfortunately, a storm blew through that evening so I did some crunches instead.

Slow and steady wins the race, right?

Luckily the weather has cooperated since then with two gorgeous summer evenings - perfect for walking.

To prepare for my walk Wednesday evening, I pulled up my iTunes to create a playlist for my iPod that would inspire me to pick up my pace and get my heart a pumping!  

Unfortunately, I realized that my recent listening habits tend toward a more laidback type of listening!

I pulled my "Exercise" playlist of 27 songs that I tried out during my walk last night. Most of them were OK. A couple really made me pick up my pace - like "Ruby" and "Paralyzed." And a few just didn't make the grade!

I didn't have a lot of time to search iTunes today but I did grab a Katy Perry song (Hot N Cold) that I usually groove to in the car. I'm hoping to use a couple iTunes cards I got on one of my wheel & dealing trips to CVS to pick up a few more songs.

An iPod is good, but company is better when it comes to exercising! Lil' Sister came over and walked with me tonight. It's great to have an exercise buddy AND time to catch up on each other's lives.

I know I won't always have a real-live exercise companion, so I'm looking to you for help. Have any go-to songs when it comes to exercising?

Send them my way. I only have 17 days to trim, really didn't do the math until just now.

Maybe I'll just stick with the bigger pair of swim shorts! Cookie, anyone?


  1. lol. I'm not sure you're going to like these, but I love to exercise (and clean) to:

    13 going on 30 soundtrack: Jessie's girl, I wanna dance with somebody, and Love is a Battlefield

    Also love the old Aqua CDs! You know, Barbie Girl? Their other songs are equally cheesy but have a great beat!

    And finally, love me some Lady Gaga!

    I like doing random dance type aerobics and all of these fit the bill!

  2. Don't go tempting me with a cookie now... I'm trying to stay on track--now that you have inspired! I like to listen to DC Talk, Toby Mac and Jeremy Camp :)

  3. I just downloaded Lady GaGa if you want to steal it:)
